院系,科室 微电子所   /  
岗位类别,岗位名称 教学科研   /   新型器件与集成工艺方向
招聘职务 助理教授/准聘副教授
招聘要求及职责 新型器件与集成工艺方向(1-2名),致力于研究新型半导体器件的材料、工艺、设计和应用,为集成电路领域发展提供技术和器件支撑,包括但不限于新型逻辑器件、存储器件、化合物半导体器件、先进制造工艺、FDSOI等。 要求: 1.热爱教育事业,具有良好的表达能力和教书育人的愿望,提供能够胜任教学工作能力的证明; 2.具备博士学位且有2年以上博士后或其它科研工作经历,业绩特别突出的,可适当放宽博士后或其它工作年限要求; 3.在同年龄段国际同行中应名列前茅,具有良好的学术训练和创新潜质,至少满足以下条件之一:①在基础理论或前沿研究等方面提出新观点、新思路、新方法,取得高水平的学术研究成果;②在解决国家重大技术需求或典型工程范例工作中做出创新性贡献,或在国际领先的基础设施、科学装置、软硬件系统等研制工作中有关键理论技术贡献,或研发的关键核心器件、芯片、软件、控制系统等为国际最好水平之一,或研制出行业发展亟需的某项设备并投入使用;③获得国际或全国范围内有影响的学术奖励。 材料: 1.个人中英文学术简历; 2.学术成果及不超过5篇代表性学术论文全文及自我学术评价; 3.未来从事的研究方向和研究计划; 4.个人推荐的国际评估专家的简单介绍。 Qualifications: 1.Enthusiastic for teaching with good communication skills and the aspiration to become an outstanding educator. A proof of teaching capability should be provided; 2.A Ph. D. degree plus at least 2 years of post-doc experience and/or other research experience. Exceptions may be made for outstanding applicants; 3.Proved to be elite among peer researchers of the same age along with excellent academic training and potential of conducting innovative research. Should meet at least one of the following 3 criteria:1)Innovations in fundamental/frontier research with new concept, idea and/or methodology proposed, evidenced by top-notch academic achievements;2)Creative contributions in national strategic technology research or key engineering program development, or core theoretical/technical contributions in the development of world’s top infrastructure, scientific apparatus and software/hardware systems, or state-of-the-art results in the development of key devices/chips/software/systems with core techniques, or breakthroughs in the development and adoption of a special equipment urgently needed by the industry;3)Academic awards with international or nationwide recognition. Application Package: 1.detailed CV in both Chinese and English; 2.list of academic achievements (including the full text of 5 representative publications) and self-assessment; 3.Future research areas and plan; 4.suggested international peer reviewers introduction
所需专业 微电子等相关专业
招聘人数 1
有效期 2021年12月
联系人及联系方式 联系人:高老师    电子邮箱:gaojunli@tsinghua.edu.cn