院系,科室 社科学院   /   国际关系学系/国际问题研究所
岗位类别,岗位名称 教学科研   /   承担教学科研任务
招聘职务 教研系列教师(教授/副教授/助理教授)
招聘要求及职责 清华大学国际关系学系拟招聘教研系列长聘教授/副教授2人,需具备政治与国际研究QS排名前50名的大学长聘副教授以上教师,或国内大学正教授以上教师,主要从事全球治理、国际法、区域国别研究等专业方向。需提交个人简历+不少于2篇代表作+2封专家推荐信等材料。 清华大学国际关系学系拟招聘教研系列助理教授1人,政治与国际研究QS排名前50名的大学博士毕业生(含应届),主要从事国际关系研究,需提交个人简历+代表作+2封推荐信等材料。 Faculty Recruitment (Department of international relations) 1.The Department of international relations of Tsinghua university, is planning to hire the long hired professor (or long hired associate professor) in teach-research section. Position requirements: 1)Have already titled as “long hired associate professor” or above in top 50 universities (as QS rank in Politics and International Research), Or 2) have already titled as “professor” in domestic universities, mainly engaging in global governance, international law and area studies research. The applicants who are interested in the position need to provide CV+ at least 2 publications + 2 reference letter from experts. This recruitment notice is valid for the whole year. Contact information: Limin, 62788801,limin8801@tsinghua.edu.cn 2.The Department of international relations of Tsinghua university, is planning to hire assistant professor in teach-research section. Position requirements: PHD graduates (including fresh graduate) from top 50 universities (as QS rank in Politics and International Research), mainly engaging in international relations research. The applicants who are interested in the position need to provide CV+ at least 2 publications + 2 reference letter from experts. This recruitment notice is valid for the whole year. Contact information: Limin, 62788801,limin8801@tsinghua.edu.cn
所需专业 全球治理、国际法、区域国别研究、国际关系
招聘人数 3
有效期 2023年12月
联系人及联系方式 联系人:李老师    电子邮箱:limin8801@tsinghua.edu.cn