院系,科室 机械系   /   成形装备与自动化研究所
岗位类别,岗位名称 教学科研   /   成形制造学科方向教研岗
招聘职务 助理教授/副教授/教授
招聘要求及职责 岗位描述:从事激光微纳制造、增材制造、新材料成形制造、生物制造、生物3D打印、智能型医疗器械等方向的教学科研工作。 资格条件: (1)受过高水平学术训练,具有相关学科博士学位,且有2年或以上在世界一流大学或海内外知名研究机构学习或工作的经历(申报助理教授及准聘副教授需具有至少1年以上国际学术经历); (2)具备从事高水平教育教学工作的素质和教书育人的能力、素养和热情; (3)学术水平、研究能力和发展潜力在同年龄段国际同行中名列前茅。研究方向明确,具有基础性和前沿性;研究工作具有引领性或开拓性;研究成果在同行中具有较大影响;学术发展潜力突出。 (4)在相关研究方向具有承担科研项目的经验,已取得突出的学术成果。 所需材料:个人详细简历,学术成果及代表作5篇,申请及推荐信。 Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (or a closely related discipline), have at least 2 years or above study or work experience in an overseas top university or famous research institution, and have demonstrated the potential to conduct a vigorous and significant research program in the field of Laser Micro-Nano Manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, New Material Related Processing Technologies, Advanced Biofabrication, Bio-3D printing et al. as evidenced by their publication record and supporting letters from recognized leaders in the field. The candidate’s expertise and documented research activities must demonstrate a strong potential to enhance both the Department’s research and teaching missions. Successful candidates are expected to build strong, externally-funded, highly-visible research programs and to become recognized leaders in their field. The ability to effectively teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels to a diverse group of students is required. Interested candidates should send their detailed curriculum vitae, statements of research and goals, five representative papers, application and reference letters via email to mayue@tsinghua.edu.cn.
所需专业 机械、材料、化学、物理、力学
招聘人数 3
有效期 2022年12月
联系人及联系方式    电子邮箱:mayue@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn